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- TikTok , San Jose, CA
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A Machine Learning Engineer position at TikTok in San Jose, CA. The role offers an annual salary range of $113,500 - $250,000 and involves developing large-scale ads systems and applied machine learning projects for TikTok's monetization technology teams.
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- Uber , San Francisco, CA
Machine Learning Engineer - Applied AI
The Applied AI team at Uber seeks a full-time engineer to develop and deploy AI solutions, particularly in Generative AI, Computer Vision, and ML Optimization. The role requires expertise in programming, machine learning, and data architecture, with a preference for those experienced in ML production and cross-team collaboration.
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- Plaid , San Francisco, CA • Hybrid work
Experienced Machine Learning Modeler - Remember Me
A Machine Learning Modeler position at Plaid, offering an annual salary range of $203,040 - $303,480. The role involves building and maintaining machine learning models for Plaid's Remember Me feature, conducting A/B experiments, and developing data pipelines to improve various Plaid products.
GPTZero’s mission is to restore information quality and transparency on the internet. Our team comprises experts from high-performing engineering cultures like Uber, Meta, Microsoft, and leading AI research labs such as Princeton, Caltech, Vector, and MILA. We develop cutting-edge AI solutions including AI detection, AI hallucination detection, retrieval-augmented generation, and writing stylometry, serving over 3 million active users and enterprise clients, including Fortune 1000 and Unicorn AI companies.
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- Uber , San Francisco, CA
Senior Machine Learning Engineer - Earner Incentives
The Earner Incentive team at Marketplace builds ML solutions for incentives to improve marketplace balance and efficiency. The team builds machine learning systems to solve critical ML problems in Marketplace such as forecasting undersupply geo and times, optimizing incentive levers to influence marketplace dynamics, and understanding earner behaviors and preferences for targeting / personalization.